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2024 - 2026 Virtual Elections



Board members should fulfill their roles to the best of their abilities.  


All activities should be done in the best interest of the organization


The board should follow all the rules as defined in the organization's governance guidelines and most currently updated by laws.

Being a board member is more than a résumé builder. Members should be committed to following through on promises and assisting the organization to the best of their abilities. This means:

  • Attending meetings and actively participating in committees

  • Communicating with the executive director and other board members

  • Following through on assignments

  • Supporting program initiatives

Board members who neglect this prime duty are simply taking up space in the boardroom. Ideally, your entire board is motivated and truly passionate about your mission. As a result, fulfilling the duty of care is easy.


Board members should do more than show up. They should fully support and embody your organization’s mission and be loyal ambassadors for your cause. When acting on behalf of the organization, each board member must put aside their personal and professional interests.

All activities and decisions should be in the best interest of the organization, not in the best interest of the individual board member.

Those who successfully fulfill this duty are those who proactively mingle with volunteers, visit your nonprofit’s facilities, and participate in community initiatives. These individuals fully embrace your mission, not just board service.


One of the more subtle duties of a nonprofit board member is obedience. The board should do everything in its power to reach organizational goals, but members still have an obligation to follow your organization’s guidelines. These are found in your governance documents, and every board member has a legal responsibility to understand them.


A board that strays from your governance rules could steer your organization in the wrong direction or even impact your nonprofit’s standing in the community.


Executive Director

  • Preside at all meetings of the membership and all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee;

  • Perform other duties customary to the Office of President, or as directed by the Board of Directors; and e an ex officio non-voting member of all committees.

  • Be charged with the responsibility of operating, managing and directing the business, including the recruitment of individuals to carry out the purposes of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York); and

  • Execute bonds, mortgages, and other contracts except where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors to some other officer or agent of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York).

Vice Chairperson

  • Perform such duties as the Executive Director and/or the Board of Directors may determine;

  • In the absence of the Executive Director, shall perform the duties of the Executive Director; and

  • Serve as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee and;

  • An ex officio member of the nominating committee

  • Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee


  • Oversee notice and maintenance of the minutes of the meetings the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee; and

  • Perform other duties customary to the Office of the Secretary, and as may be required by the Board of Directors or the President of the Board.


  • Be the custodian of the corporate funds of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York), however received, save and except for such funds as the Board of Directors may from time to time entrust to the care and use of designated paid employees of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York), to be used exclusively for the operation of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York);

  • Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee;

  • Disburse the funds of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York) as ordered by the Board of Directors;

  • Oversee day-to-day authority for managing the finances of LAO UNY (Lao Upstate New York);

  • Provide such financial reports and statements as the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may from time to time require or request; and

  • Supervise the keeping and auditing of the accounts which shall be open at all times to inspection by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee

Marketing Chair

  • Ensure compliance with Board vision, identity statements, and branding for LAO UNY's marketing and communications.

  • Serve as Chair of the Communications Committee

  • Development and maintenance of the annual marketing/communications plan and budget.

  • Adopt and  implement  metrics  to  gauge the effectiveness  of selected  marketing  and communications  strategies,  practices, and  media choices  and  report such  to  the Board  at appropriate intervals.

  • Adopt,  implement,  and  maintain processes  to  collect demographic  data to  aid  in communications  and  marketing incentives.

  • Monitor social  media  trends  and  advise updates  and/or enhancements  to  the websites  and  social  media.

Current goals of the board


  • Responsible for growth and sound governing the organization.

  • Ensure fulfillment of the mission of the organization.

  • Set strategic direction and overall policy.

  • Oversee and give final approval to the organization’s budget, evaluate the organization’s progress toward strategic goals and ensure sufficient resources.

  • Act as ambassadors for the organization.

  • Engage in fundraising, and promote the organization’s image and public standing.

  • To establish an organizational culture that embraces strategic planning and sets clearly defined goals.

  • Help promote diversity.

Estimated time commitment and meeting format


  • Attend board board meetings

  • Participation in a monthly conference call generally held on the second Thursday of each month at 7pm.

  • Participation in taking part in at least two committee and fundraising activity per year.

  • Estimated time commitment: 4-8 hours/ month depending needs

  • Busiest time period: work evolves around planning & execution of fundraising activities & events.


Volunteer benefits


  • Develop new skills.

  • Be part of community.

  • Meet a diverse range of people.

  • Network & professional development.

  • Help make a difference in the day-to-day life of the organization.

  • Create impact through community engagement

  • Earn college credits or community service hours

  • Enhance the development of your cultural identity


Term minimum


  • Two year commitment

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326 East Avenue

2nd Floor

Rochester, NY, USA

©2018 by Wildflower Consulting LLC in Parntership with LAO UNY

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